Kalk Bay Caves

Hello and welcome to exploring the kalk bay caves! I am offering you a unique experience in Cape Town that gets you well off the beaten track and far away from the crowds! You will see magnificent beauty, challenge yourself with underground adventures very different from your regular type of cave trip. There are no lighted walk ways and crowds but real scrambling though cracks and over rocks to see what lies below. It is a real challenge and you will absolutely love it!

I grew up in Cape Town and I love the mountains, beaches and caves that are hidden away here. I started caving in Kalk bay when I was 13 on a school trip, and they immediately enraptured me. Once I finished school and started traveling I took this passion with me and I have explored many caves since.

I visited the worlds largest cave in Malaysian Borneo the famous Deer Cave. Here it take more then 45 minutes just to watch the 50 000+ odd bats that live there exit. Then cave diving in Mexico was an eye opening experience. The water is crystal clear and haloclines are formed between the salt and fresh water.

Kalk bay Caves

I was the owner of a backpackers in the eastern cape where meeting people and sharing experiences was all we did. I have backpacked, lived and worked my way though more then 50 countries. But finally I decided to settle back in Cape Town and continue doing the things that I really enjoy.

If you have any nervousness or are unsure about any aspect of this trip please feel free to contact me. I have lots of experience in the kalk bay caves and believe me when I say that challenging experiences like these are often the most rewarding and memorable moments of your time here in Cape Town.  I love caves, I love the challenges, beauty and hidden secrets that they represent and I would love to share that experience with you.